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Create an App from scratch from Excell

Open excel in desktop app. Select the columns including the headings and Format as Table


Save a table name for each table:

Do this if you want to work from SharePoint List

Create the list from Sharepoint -> Site contents: New List -> From Excel

Upload your Excel file and select table.

Create an empty canvas.

Create a connection to Excel

Create a new Screen scrGallery

Add a Gallery

Change the Items to SortByColumns(Filter(Table1,TextSearchBox1.Text in Volunteer),”Volunteer”,If(SortDescending1,SortOrder.Descending,SortOrder.Ascending))

For top  Arrow > add onSelect: Select(Parent);Navigate(scrEdit)

Create an edit screen ->New screen, and then select Form and for Data source select the connection.
Then Edit fields and add the form elements:

To view/edit the Selected Item

Items: BrowseGallery1.Selected

Buttons for Gallery Screen

Refresh   – onSelect: Refresh(Table1)

+ add New – onSelect:  NewForm(EditForm1);Navigate(scrEdit,ScreenTransition.None)


Buttons for Edit Screen

Cancel – X,
onSelect: ResetForm(EditForm);Back() orNavigate(scrGallery, ScreenTransition.None)


for screen name: Text: “Edit: ” & BrowseGallery1.Selected.Volunteer


Save – checkmark

onSelect: SubmitForm(EditForm)


Delete– Trash can

Set the Visible to EditForm1.Mode = FormMode.Edit (if form mode is Edit = true it will show the Icon)
set onSelect: Remove(Table1, BrowseGallery1.Selected); Navigate(scrGallery, ScreenTransition.None)